Dry Heat Versus Humid Heat


The kind of heating system you have in your home determines the humidity levels in the indoor air, which in turn will also determine the dust and allergen particles that are usually present in indoor air. It is often said that, indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. That is mainly caused when we do not allow adequate circulation of air to happen in our homes through the windows and doors. With enclosed heating, there can be different repercussions on our health.

Forced warm air systems

Most radiators in homes in cold countries have worked by heating up the air and forcing the same through the radiators in the different rooms. This type of heating has been common, but there is certain health impact of such heating systems as well. Dry air can reduce humidity levels in your indoor air to alarming levels. Beyond a point, too dry air can cause irritation to your skin, make the allergens and dust particles more airborne and these can irritate your lungs as well. You will want hot water installation and installation of heating systems to be done by experts in this matter.

Water based heaters

Nowadays water based heaters have come into vogue. These work the same way as forced warm air systems. However, there is a main unit that heats up water with the help of electricity or gas and the hot water rises up and gets distributed to different parts of a home through pipes. As the warm air lets out the warmth in the different rooms, it is brought the main unit for heating. This kind of hot water installation system can be beneficial for a home where general air conditions are too dry.

Effects on human health

In many cases the dry air could cause the skin and the lungs to be irritated. It could also lead to cold like symptoms. On the other hand, warm and humid air helps to soothe and moisten the skin. It also helps to reduce irritants like dust particles and allergens from floating around in the air.

Making the right choice

The ultimate heating system for your home will depend on the external weather conditions that you face. If you have wet and cold winters, too much humidity in the internal air could also cause discomfort, and it could encourage the growth of mold and mildew in the walls and dampness could set in. However, if the external weather condition is dry in general, opting for water based heating systems will prove relief and would seem beneficial for most. Check this out expert services in your area and seek their guidance and support in making the right choice for your home.